Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery For Elderly Individuals


If you are an elder and you are thinking of a procedure to replace a damaged knee, one of the first things that you will need to do is find an alternative to knee replacement surgery for elderly. This means that if you are injured, you are not left completely deflated. In addition, you may not be able to function as before. One of the best alternatives to knee replacement surgery for elderly is to get a therapy that allows you to move in a way that you were able to before the injury.

Physical Therapy

One good alternative to replacing a damaged knee is physical therapy. With physical therapy exercises, you can regain your strength and endurance. You will be challenged in these exercises by using weights and resistance bands. These exercises help to build strength and flexibility so you have more control over your knee.

Another alternative to replacement surgery is to get a knee immobilizer. These devices keep the damaged joint from being further injured by further physical stress. Some of these are meant to reduce pain and pressure when you move your knee. Other options are those that provide support to the muscles around the knee. When your muscles contract, they push your joint back into place, which gives you better protection against further injury.

Arthritis symptoms

Other alternatives to knee replacement surgery for elderly include the cushions that are designed to help your arthritis symptoms. Some of these cushions actually improve circulation so your blood is better able to reach the damaged joint. They can also reduce pain, stiffness, and pressure. There are different types of cushions on the market to choose from so make sure that you select one that is designed specifically for your needs.

When you consult with a doctor, he can also recommend some exercises that will increase flexibility and range of motion in your joints. Many times your doctor will have you do these exercises before the surgery so that your muscles get used to them before you undergo the procedure. Make sure that you tell the doctor exactly what you need done. If you need to have some additional treatments done, such as physical therapy, make sure you discuss that with your doctor and together they can come up with a plan that will be best for you.


What is going to be best for your condition?

Knee replacements can be expensive. That is why it is important to discuss all of your options with your doctor to find out what is going to be best for your condition. Of course, you want your surgery to work and you want the results to show. That means having a quality operation that will last you the rest of your life. With that in mind, you should not only take into consideration the cost but also the cost of having additional treatments after the surgery. Some people find that they spend a lot of money on extra treatments that they never get to use because their surgeries were not successful.

Other alternatives to knee replacement surgery for elderly individuals can include using a cane, walking with a walker or even using crutches. You may be thinking that using crutches or a walker is not possible. However, there are now products on the market that can be fitted right to your legs so that they can assist you with walking. The nice thing about this option is that you get the same benefits as your dominant leg without having to deal with the pain.

Home care

Another one of the alternatives to knee replacement surgery for elderly individuals is home care. There are many different home care services that can help you to keep your home and be around others while you heal. Whatever you decide on, make sure that you talk it over with your doctor first. While your doctor may be the best person for the job, he or she does not have the experience necessary for certain surgeries and can make a wrong decision as well.

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